Vpi Prime Scout (New) vs Well Tempered

I am a new member and I need some help. I'm looking for a new turntable to replace my Clearaudio Emotion with Concept mc cartridge and ended up in two choices: Vpi Prime Scout(New) with Kiseki Blue cartridge and Well Tempered Versalex with Soundsmith Zephyr cartridge. Is there anybody who has listened to these two choices in comparison? My music preferences are Jazz, classical, folk and indie music. Which is the best & most value for money choice for me?



Showing 1 response by mr_m


I don't believe you are familiar with the Well Tempered turntables. True they don't have the glitz and glamour appearance of the VPI's, but all one has to do is listen to the WT's. Their sonic capabilities are there in spades.....