VPI Scoutmaster platter/bearing install

I'm a new owner of a Scoutmaster and it arrived with the platter separate from the bearing (I assume bearing assembly, a 3" dia steel assembly that obviously fits within the center of the platter and has the threaded center spindle).

The fit of these 2 units is extremely tight and does not slide in easily. I mate them together and it seems as it needs to be tapped or possibly pressed in? Do I just need to exert a little more force?

VPI is currently closed (past 2 weeks) and I'd love to get this TT set up this afternoon.

Can anyone offer any advice on this?


Showing 3 responses by jamnperry

I'm pretty sure there's lithium already packed in the platter. VPI always puts a shot in the hole and tapes over the covering before shipping.
It is a tight fit but the weight of the platter should be enough to slide over the bearing. You can try a drop or 2 of the oil they gave you on the bearing shaft. You shouldn't need to tap it in, and I'm assuming the bearing is mounted on the plinth already.
Quick question Stringreen.. and sorry to deviate the thread slightly. When you got the 10.5i, did you get the jig too? Or was that additional. And if you used the jig, are you happy with the accuracy? Planning to upgrade as you did but my Wallytractor for the 9" of course won't work.