VPI TNT Turntables

Many years ago I owned a VPI HW-19 Jr turntable + Sumiko Premier FT arm, which I soon replaced with a Merrill Heirloom + ET2. After may years of digital reproduction, I wish to go back to analog reproduction and I would like to buy a VPI TNT with, again, the ET2 arm. Unfortunately (or fortunately), many models/upgrades exist for TNT. Therefore, I would be very grateful if some experts of TNTs could describe the sound/performance variation from TNT Jr to most recent ones so as to help me in my choice. 

Thank you very much!

What you are asking is for someone to write a book because you don’t want to do the research yourself. The information is all out there for you.

There were differences in each generation and differences within generations. Here are the topics, each of which has several variants:

1. Suspensions
2. Bearings
3. Platters
4. Plinths
5. Motors
6. Flywheels
7. Speed controllers
8. Belt tripods
9. Arm size*
10. Arm base*
11. Arm tube*
12. Arm wiring*

To which we can add VPI accessories (stands, clamps, weights, etc.) and third party products and services.

*You say you have chosen an arm, but when you find a TNT for sale it will likely come with an arm.

Did I leave anything out?

So how many combinations are out there? Too many to count and write about without writing a book.

You've chosen a great combo, I have a TNT with two ET 2s on it. The one upgrade I would not do without is the flywheel, whether you have one or two motors. Another important one is the speed controller and then the platter which there is lots of disagreements on.   I would go with the Delrin aluminum cork and lead platter or the latest classic platter with the inverted bearing. As far as the feet go I don't think there's a whole heck of a lot of difference aside from the air bladders di require more maintenance but I don't think it's a big deal. Normally about once every two months I have to add some air and relevel. Takes about five minutes. 
FWIW, I found this posting timely and informative. I just sold my oversize direct-drive Luxman. I'm looking for a VPI (likely a TNT) with a high quality arm. The reason is simple: if it need repair or tweaks, I'm sure I can locate them online. There are undoubtedly better (and more expensive) tables out there but the ability to locate parts and service is indispensable. Also, there are forums for owners that can educate the novice owner. 
Thank you very much for your kind answers.

I wish to replay to melm saying that, of course, I have already read all what I found on TNT turntables, including Audiogon discussions and Mr. Salvatore's review. I also wrote to VPI some days ago but I still have not received their answer. Regarding my choice for ET2 arm, I hear some limits of pivoted arms (my problem), so I need a linear tonearm. 

I am more or less aware of the technical differences of the various TNT versions and of their possible upgrades. What I did not found is the opinion of TNT experts about the sound/performance changes starting from the Jr. I often read that moving from TNT A to TNT B (or including that upgrade) performance "increases", but I don't know what it does indeed mean. Stage is wider? Tonal accuracy of acoustic instruments is better? Does "musicality" really increase moving towards "better" TNTs? 

I hope I have explained my uncertainty and I apologize for my approximate English.

"Analogluvr- The one upgrade I would not do without is the flywheel, whether you have one or two motors. "

What was the biggest improvement you perceived when using a flywheel?