W4S SX-500 vs. new mAmp?

Has anyone heard, or know anything about, the new Wyred 4 Sound mAmp mono blocks? How do these compare to the SX-500 mono blocks? General opinions on the W4S amps? Thanks for any info.

Showing 3 responses by peleg

Well I broke down and got myself a pair of mAmps. Right out of the box they were VERY clear. Overly so. Over time this gave way to a wonderfully smooth somewhat sweet sound that was very listenable. I am really pleased.w/ my choice here. After reading all the descriptions of the sound of the new Ncores I was all the more attracted to the mAmps. The sound is just what I was looking for. I'm sure the Ncores are great but I'm really liking these Wyred mAmps and don't regret my choice at all.
Hi, was wondering if you'd had enough of a chance to directly compare the older SX500 and your new mamps and what the results were?