Wadia 581i Selection of CD or SACD

I have recently purchased a Wadia 581i player. The player is working fine with CD and SACD but I am not able to toggle between the CD and SACD layers of hybrid discs. The manual supplied along with the player do not mention anything about this. The inline manual at Wadia website says the MODE button on remote is for selecting CD/SACD. In my case the MODE button has no effect at all.

I would like to know other users experience in this regard.



Showing 2 responses by pthai

Hi Anil,
Did you get yours with the new software update? Mine was delayed because they were sorting this out in the past 2-3 weeks.
I don't have mine yet so I don't know. You should call John Schaffer. Can't wait to get mine . I heard some great things about it from some really respectable top notch people.