Waltz for Debby-Bill Evans Trio

Seems like lately I am slidding this CD in late at night more and more. It has become one of my favorites. You can close your eyes and almost smell the smoke of a jazz club from the 50s and 60s. The waiters clanking glasses in the background is a nice touch to the mood. The music is great. I know this is a revered classic but I was wondering if there were any other recordings of similar ilk, smooth laid back jazz, that anyone might recommend. Are you out there sdcampbell?
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster
Try these two on for size, both are exquisite.

Keith Jarrett - The Melody at Night With You
Gene Ammons - Gentle Jug

Late night classics.
The Ground by Tord Gustavsen is an excellent piano, bass, and percussion CD. This is a Norwegian group. All origional pieces. I second the John Coltrane Ballads recommendation. Great songs, great melodies.
John Dean
moonbeams by evans was a great suggestion. it's one of my top 10 jazz lps of all time.

if you have a turntable, the classic records 45 rpm of Louis doing "st james Infirmary" is a mind-blower.
I love Waltz for Debbie but am mildly distracted by the sound stage on the SACD and CD with the piano on the right and the bass and drums on the left with nothing in the center. I assume that was the way it was recorded. Does this bother anyone else.
John Dean
I wanted to let you guys know I have recently aquired some of the selections you guys shared with me and give you my impressions. First, B. Evans-Sunday at VV; certainly outstanding and now in heavy rotation. Second, two Charlie Haden's-Beyond the Missouri Sky and Night and the City; awesome stuff, I am now solidly a Haden fan. Honorable mention goes to Eric Dolphy-Out There, Cannonball-Know What I Mean? (actually HM plus), Ben Webster-At the Renaissance. I also got a couple of Shirly Horn-May the Music Never End and I Thought About You. I am not sold on Shirley yet, I still prefer Krall. But Shirley did entice me to dig out my old Mary Stallings-Fine and Mellow LP which I enjoy and whose style favors Horn. I also picked Brubeck Jazz at Oberlin which I think is outstanding as well. All the selections I picked up are great additions to my music library. Jarret is next on the list as I have nothing by him now and some more Bill Evans and Charlie Haden. Thanks gain to all.