I heard Charles Hanson saying on the Audio Asylum forum that the new Ayre QB-9 USB DAC is neck and neck with the CX-5 in sound quality.
I have a mac mini and western digital 2TB hard drive and it's really quiet. You can hear it when it's ripping music but for playback it's really quiet. I wouldn't say that it makes absolutely no noise but it's really low. I know what you are talking about on the DVR noise, I can't stand it either. Unless you are listening to the quietest music and are making a point of trying to listen for it and let it bug you it seems unlikely that it would be a problem. At that you could just put the computer in another location if needed.
Personally I would not choose a CD player over the server. I have 5000 CDs and it's just to many to keep track of and dig out when I want to hear them, plus it's pretty fun to let it all shuffle sometimes and you get to randomly hear something that you might not have.
If you wanted you can always listen to the music on the server and look at the CD while you play it if you like doing that sort of thing.