Want to setup basic home audio system

As the title states, I am looking for advice on the main components required to get a basic home audio system going for under 1k. When I do get to save more money, I am open to add more into the system. For now, what are the basic components of a home audio system that I mainly need to focus on right now? I am not looking to get a home theater setup. ONNLY LOOKING TO GET HOME AUDIO SYSTEM FOR MUSIC
You’re awesome for checking out CL Seattle to find good deals. I’ll be honest I probably just pass them by when I check out CL or offermeup since I don’t know much of speakers or amps. You got me checking out those Klipsch quartets specs. It helps that it’s easy to drive speakers. Thanks for all your help!

I was on the fence about whether I want to just go that route since I find cheap used gear all over the internet. I’m not too sure if I need all those other channels though.

That’s also a great route but I have no knowledge or education on soldering. Also, do they do that for all speakers? Seems like you can save hundreds on a pair.

I certainly learned a lot from reading your replies! For now, I need to be looking at high efficiency speakers and an amp compatible. It also helps that some of these gear have a good resell value when I want to start swapping things out or adding gears into my collection. Thanks again!

I spent all morning looking up those amps and they still go for 4-500 each. How low are we talking? Would you take shipping charge?

WOW! You weren’t joking at all. It also helps that this is the first forum ever that have people offering real help and opinions without judging or making me feel unwanted. You definitely helped start this on my thread. Thanks for that!!

There is indeed so many choices. Everyone has been helpful and informative that I learned more just on this thread than reading a bunch of articles on the internet. Thanks again for offering your 2 cents and your recommendations! I really like those ascend speakers a lot!!
That audiophilia channel on YT recommends the Klipsch speakers you mentioned. I am hoping I can demo them at Best Buy or another local audio shop. 
At this point, I cannot go over 1.5k and would like to stay within that price range. Give or take 100 for accessories. Otherwise I wouldn’t hear the end of it from my wife. 
im curious if there’s auto shows out here in Washington. Also, the speakers you mentioned has their hq out here in Washington!

I’ve decided that I will be focusing on speakers first and then an amp or bt adaptor second. Thanks!

Yes, I have personally owned the ascends and can state quite confidently that they are a true bargain at their used price.
To  get a bamboo cabinet, a custom SEAS driver and a Raal ribbon tweeter for their used price is quite a deal.

If you already have a laptop or mobile phone you have your streamer. Add an IFi zen blue for$169 and you are up and streaming in hi res.
If it were me; I would try and find a set of ADS L710 speakers in nice shape and pair them with a modern integrated amp with built in dac. Maybe a Yamaha or Cambridge or something similar. Find a nice cheap tuner if you listen to radio and it will sound great. I have the ADS speakers in a bedroom system with a Vincent amp and an old Pioneer tuner. It sounds great.