Warbling on horns, piano and vocals

Got my 401 set up with my Schröder CB-L and there's a warbling on the horns and piano and voices with multiple cartridges. I swapped arms and the sound is pure, no warbling. Any thoughts about what could be wrong with the arm or installation of the arm?


No, both arms- just in a different way.


That makes much more sense now.


Do you have say a CD player?

If that is playing, and you lay the hands upon the hearth or shelf, can you feel it jumping to the beat?

Maybe you need a safe cracker with sand papered fingertips? 😉

I was thinking was it was AM on the cart causing the amplitude to beat up and down.
If it is the deck itself, then the thing speeding up and slowing down would cause a frequency modulation, and that would also warble.

I would still suggest a short capture of a sound file as a way to see which one it is.
Then knowing the nature of the effect, we should be able to find the causal mechanism.