Warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent

What IC best describes warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent to help a thinner sounding CDP.
Why dont upgrade your CD player first? I do have JPS Aluminata on loan, comparing to my much less expensive cable and while its clearly a winner, I still be upgrading my CD player first, because the price differences is shocking.
FMS Nexus is a great cable. I use it with my CDP.
Ecosse Myth - just fabulous, also have it, totally satisfied. And, of course, Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference.
The DCCA power wave 5 is a very good power cable under $300 category. Although it's the entry level cable in the range, it doesnt sound like one. I used in for my cambridge audio 740C cdp.
I am aware of the positive feedback regarding the DCCA powercords, from other threads I read.

Horchai what IC were you using with your 740.

Seabreeze, the Eminence gives you more of these sound qualities....or I should say it takes less away from these qualities in regards to the overall sound of a recording

Virgo are you saying the Eminence keeps its signature of warm, fulled body and smooth, with more resolution than the Sorce 3 and Master refrence.