From my experience with solid state, current was the primary determinant if the amp was up to the task, the more the better. From my tube amp experience, it is far, far less important. So I went from high current 350 wpc solid state to 70 wpc tube amplification and my system sounds so much better it is amazing. It is a high quality amp… I am sure there is a difference between 70 wpc with an inexpensive light weight tube amp and a good one.
@ghdprentice 'Current' in the way you describe it above has little or no meaning. You might want to read this article which explains why.
@jfrmusic If you need over 100 Watts to make your speaker really sing, you have a problem- the speaker might be criminally inefficient unless you are in a very large room. The more power you need, quite often the harder it is for the amplifier to sound like real music. Most higher powered amps I've seen simply don't, although they are pretty good at sounding like electronics.