Website glitch????

Trying to figure out why that Mirage subwoofer has shown up on my "New" page for the last 6 months. Finally opened it to see what the deal is and said sold for $150. Not sure this is advertising as best we can do. I enjoy looking at equipment but when the lead in is for a subwoofer that may have sold for $150 6 months ago, it makes me think that maybe the website is not up to task. Even if it just sold yesterday, I have been viewing this piece as my lead in for the last 6 months if not longer.  Seems odd. Maybe the Mods can look at this.

Showing 2 responses by stacydalke

This often happens to me when I go to some web sites from my phone. It interferes with my work. I had the idea that someone installed a spy app on my phone. I've read here that it's possible and I won't even know about it. I will look for some way to test this and clean my phone.