Weiss 204 Dac or LTA Audio Aero Dac as an upgrade from Chord Qutest Dac

I am currently using a Chord Qutest Dac with my Lumin U2 Mini streamer.  The rest of my system as per my prior thread is Martin Logan 11A Impressions, Rogue Audio RP-1 preamp, Bryston 4B3 Cubed power amplifier. Has anybody had the opportunity to compare the Chord Qutest to the Weiss 204 Dac or the new LTA Audio Aero Dac. Looking to find out if both or either would be a substantial upgrade to the Chord Qutest. Alternative question, which Linear Power supply such as the S Booster added to the Chord Qutest make the biggest difference in better sound? Thinking don't have to upgrade DAC if the power supply option makes a big difference. 


Also: I had a Rogue RH-5 preamp/headphone amp with the Qutest, prior to the Benchmark HPA4. With the Qutest set to 3V, many recordings would cause clipping. No such problem with the Weiss outputting 8V into the HPA4. (And no problem with 2V from the Qutest into the Rogue.)

I have the Weiss 204 a Lampizator Baltic V4 and a Gustard R26.

They are all good but have different sonic profiles, I would not say one is distinctly better than the rest, what I'd say is each DAC sounds best with certain genres of music.

The 204 excels with music that benefits from when your system prioritizes speed dynamics and clarity. Also it is the most 'transparent' of the 3 DACs.

FYI my system is highly optimized for resolution so take what I've said and interpret it with that in mind.

@kairosman ​​​​​​

I appreciate your comment. I have a Gustard R26 and a U18. I'm using it with a Innuos Zen Mk3 streamer.  I've thought about trying a new dac, but I'm pretty happy with the Gustard.  With the proper cabling it sounds really good. 

I tried the Weiss and it gave me anxiety, its sooo resolving and precise. Would think if one had an overly tubey/fat setup this DAC might tighten things up however, I also have speakers with metallic tweeters and they need some taming so the Weiss was just too much of a good thing I suppose. In the end it was not for me. This when I was looking to upgrade from a Line Magnetic DAC which I still love but ultimately have now chosen the Canor, DAC 2.10. It's just stupid good especially now with a tube upgrade. The soundstage & complete lack of grain in any manner sold me. It's a smooth piece without even a hint of digital presence. Could spend a lot more on any number of fine DACs but the Canor is right in my lane. Just my experience

I agree with bgross but from the other pole. The Weiss’ neutrality worked wonderfully with Harbeth 40.2 speakers. My system with Harbeth, tubed pre and neutral SS amp, allowed all the detail and neutrality to shine through, without highs being too much at all. This also allowed that nice ‘wetness’ quality, so to speak, within its musicality to work quite well. 
I would think the Weiss might be an upgrade in the same lane as the Chord and the LTA may be like an upgrade from a different lane, i.e. LTA may be more different than Weiss and Chord.