Upscale states on their website and with a sheet I received with tubes, "Every power tube is burned in for 72 hours before matching", I believe this based on my initial listening session. Having forgot this I was extremely surprised on 'mature' presentation, having much experience with tube burn in via exclusive use of tube pre's and amps since 2000 these didn't present as fresh out of the box tubes. Wonderful mids, pretty extended on top, open, transparent, these are not attributes I generally find with new tubes. I was extrapolating a fully burned in presentation as I listened, something I never do with fresh power tubes, in other words I found these something near final presentation. On one hand I understand finding offense with this as tubes have limited life spans. On the other hand, this is good thing, should assure better matching and less early tube failures/returns from end users.
@mwood The fact you also experienced the odor is somewhat reassuring. I've never smelled this odor prior with these amps, hard to describe the smell.