That’s an economics, history and politics lecture I never got at university.
Quite right, despite appearances it’s not a question of us and them.
It’s no longer even the UK v the US, or the US v China, or even Pepsi v Coke, McDonalds v KFC etc.
It’s more of a question of some very big fish swallowing the smaller fish. International borders have little to do with it, and neither do monopoly regulations any more.
Nevertheless, today’s consumer is not compelled to buy cheaper or to pay more and buy local, but if it makes them feel better, more patriotic then they can do so.
When I bought my first amplifier, the NAD 3020, I didn’t really have that much choice. It was the only one that I could afford back then. Everything else seemed to cost quite a bit more.
It’s quite remarkable that I could today buy amplifier with all the trimmings, Bluetooth 5, remote control etc for LESS money than I paid for that NAD.
And that’s without adjusting for inflation!
So it’s actually gratifying that the consumer has never had as much choice as today.
Okay, it’s mainly all online nowadays...but we can no more uninvent the internet now than we can uninvent the the silicone chip or the transitor or the valve or digital audio etc.
And no amount of nostalgia or living in the past can help either.
In today’s world most of us are small fish desperately trying to swim with the irresistible tide.