Wharfedale Elysian 4 Incredible build quality and sound, but made in China.

When I walked into the shop my eyes were struck by these gorgeous looking beauties. Then I sat down and took a listen and said to myself they must cost $20000.-25000. When the dealer told me $10000. I was floored. What the hell, how can this be? Then he explained they’re made in China. I thought to myself, well if they’re who cares they look and sound fantastic.

@cd318 Did you regret selling the NAD 3020? It's a very celebrated amp. I wish I could find one in my area. But I got to stop collecting vintage Hi-fi amps... It's cool that if you own a NAD 3020, its value will only increase over time. 


Absolutely I do. It was one the worst decisions I ever made. I took it to one of one of those cash exchange stores and got back a pittance (£20 I think).

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

It wasn't taking up too much space and owning 2 amps is not particularly excessive.



Eliminate first corporate psychopaths and big monopoly on food energy and pharmas and heaven will come on earth... Not before...


For all of your great insight and knowledge you are still a romantic at heart.

Alas, the history of this world clearly suggests something different.

It's true that nothing was ever given without a fight first. However to paraphrase General Georg S Patton, we sometimes fought the wrong fight against the wrong enemy.

Yes i am a romantic but not without mathematical clarity ...I like so much Goethe because he was a romantic silent and musical heart with a speaking brain and a geometrical gaze...

i am revolted by the absence of criticism in all official medias about the fact that health policy on earth is in the hand of an oligarch non elected who know nothing about health... Then i dont know about you but i dont see anything well before the demise of these egoistics monsters...

And if i spoke more i will be banned from here... Truth does not exist in north america save in the usual convenient way ....


For all of your great insight and knowledge you are still a romantic at heart.

Alas, the history of this world clearly suggests something different.

It’s true that nothing was ever given without a fight first. However to paraphrase General Georg S Patton, we sometimes fought the wrong fight against the wrong enemy.


Then i dont know about you but i dont see anything well before the demise of these egoistics monsters...


I agree.

Unfortunately the history of our world is full of such people.

I have no problem with Chinese produced goods.

All that I can hope for is that they treat workers with the decency they deserve.

We all know that many many people all over the whole world still work under the most difficult and inhuman conditions imaginable.

I'd like to think that this does not apply to those who work towards producing loudspeakers of the calibre of the Elysians.

It's already a daunting thought that I don't know the exact conditions under which this phone I'm typing on was created.

Should I even care?


The communist party is an abomination but they succeeded in giving bread to all China and way more..

And anyway they are till in command because corporate narcissists, de-industrializing our countries, used them to buy cheap workers for all the goods they sell us...Then reinforced their power because they needed them..

They then succeed helping the communist party to keep power... Anyway with one billion peoples thirty years ago you need a miraculous boom to give bread to all.. They did it with corporate occidental investment...

Those who appeal to boycott of China are short sighted exactly as the boycott of Russia is uselees and worst counter -productive for us....

Anyway , because of the general propaganda so successful here as in China i will stop writing this post...

For now i care only about the psychpath idiot in my country...Not about chinese phone labour or cost... China is more advanced country in Shangai than in quebec and most city of America... Medecine and engineering with 10 times more engineers or doctors grow...

Here in my country we destruct family and education and health, and Trudeau borrowed Chinese control method... I must close my mouth here...

The life span of people here regress , In US and Canada  in the opposite he increase in other nations.., Guess why with the most adanced medecine based drug system in the world ?

i spoke too much... 😁

It’s already a daunting thought that I don’t know the exact conditions under which this phone I’m typing on was created.

Should I even care?