What about Cary Cd Players??

How are these players.I am particularly interested in the 306.I have CJ amps and pre-amp and Thiel speakers.Any advice would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by fatparrot

I just got back from Las Vegas, and the CD player that was amazing everyone (including myself!) was the Audio Aero Capitole. Redbook CD only, but this sounded so great that one would be hard pressed to tell the difference between SACD and regular CD, if you could! According to their website "Exclusive STARSĀ® 32bitFP/192kHz processing for a 24bit/192kHz inside re-sampling, subminiature tube output stage, digital input and remote volume control". It can also be used as a DAC...even for DVD-A!!! I tried to grab one, but ALL 10 units at both shows were snapped up in a heart beat! I can usually hear digital artifacts on violins and other strings...not so on the Capitole. In fact, it was so good, that the Rockport Speaker room (I believe that these speakers retail for $85,000!!!) didn't even use SACD or vinyl...this unit was that remarkable! For more info, call Jody Hickson at Globe Audio Marketing Tel. # 800-330-3804 [website is www.globeaudiomkt.com. You will be amazed by this unit!