What are fuses used for?

I have, I’m sure to many, a very dumb question. I keep reading about fuses.  I have a fairly sophisticated system and have never come across the need for a fuse.
Can someone tell me where these fuses go and what they’re used for?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano
After trying a few different brands of fuses I heard amazing differences between them all. I thought people would like to hear what I experienced, then I read the thread on fuses and realized I was wrong.
Oh. I should have said that I really don't care what other people think about that. It matters what I think when I am listening to my system. Good thing too because it would be weird if I had to ask what somebody else heard, while I am listening to my system, to enjoy my system.
Sounds like marqmike is in my group, the group where we don't give a rats what anybody else thinks or says.
It's our money, our system, our ears and to infinity and beyond for the rest of you.
Everyone should decide for themselves what sounds best in their system. Leaving it to others is like doing art, by committee. The final result won't please anyone.

All the best,
roberjerman, fuses can have a dramatic affect on sound quality.  i just recently replace the fuse in my Parasound Halo Integrated, and it made more difference than any upgrade to my system in fifty years.  To think they can't improve (or sometimes degrade sound?) is to be blind and naive. Because of the improvement I heard, I replaced the fuse in my Cocktail Audio X45 Pro.  Although not as dramatic of an improvement, it still was very noticeable.