What are fuses used for?

I have, I’m sure to many, a very dumb question. I keep reading about fuses.  I have a fairly sophisticated system and have never come across the need for a fuse.
Can someone tell me where these fuses go and what they’re used for?
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erik_squires4,257 posts11-23-2018 8:12pmI’m definitely not about to take work assigned by you, George.

I was merely pointing out that if audiophile fuses do anything at all the effects would be super easy to measure at the fuse itself.

>>>>Isn’t it nice to think so, Eric? The name is Geoff, by the way, not George. It’s probably best if you don’t do the test after all. 😀
I second wolf's response

I recently tried some SR Blues in my system.  The company I purchased from was out of stock on a couple, my system requires 6.  I installed in the preamp and the phono preamp.  I REALLY wanted to hear a difference as the salesman had me so excited.  He assured that this would not be one of those experiences where you are struggling to hear a difference....it would be jaw-dropping.  Well, I thought it sounded better but was not jaw-dropping.  I listened to for about a week.  Still no update on the backorder fuses, so I put in 1 of 2 in each of my ARC mono block amps.  I turned them on and one fuse popped.  I asked the sales guy and he said that cheap fuses are built with a wide variance in their actual ratings.  The SR are so closely built that my amp likely was drifting above that rating and my stock fuses covered it where the SR didn't.  Oooookaaayyyy
So now I asked him, well if that's the case why didn't we up the rating on all 6 fuses?  He said we could have done that, but no worries.  I said well this is quite frustrating and concerning to me and now I AM gonna worry about the other fuses popping.  If this happens after my trial period then I'm subject to changing $150 fuses if they pop.
I went ahead and switched all the fuses back to stock and actually felt the sound improved.  This told me that my emotions were dictating what I heard.  
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Interesting how the majority of those who have upgraded to the SR Blue fuses hear a pronounced improvement in their systems, and how few hear nothing or just a slight improvement. What explains this? 

It’s explained by the fact that people spending 150 bucks on a fuse really NEED to hear an improvement or they feel like they’ve been duped, and also feel the need to join a support group (like the ones here) for the same reason. Most audiophiles and gear manufacturers (like Roger Modjeski) don’t care at all about "magic" fuses...what explains this?
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No, it's not BS. It's being able to hear and appreciate the difference. 👍
By the way, who's been busy getting posts deleted? Someone with their fee-fees hurt?

All the best,
The naysayers must be studying the script of 12 Angry Men. “You can’t prove it!” “But you said we can forget about all the other stuff.” “How can be be so sure?! “I’m telling you, some of you people in here must be out of your minds.” “Don't give me that. I'm sick and tired of facts! You can twist 'em anyway you like, you know what I mean?”
Nope, it's not BS. I think its more system dependent than anything. What I'm finding through conversations with other members is that some tweaks, like those wall socket plug-in thingies (I forgot the name of them again), counteract other tweaks. Either that or its a hearing problem of some sort. Or maybe we're just listening for different things? 

On proving it through measurements, I've personally measured each upgrade through one of the most accurate measurement devises known to man ... the human ear. Not as good by far as the ears on dogs, but good enough to be used throughout the ages for a variety of things, including the preservation of the species. 

Speaking of preservation of the species, how on earth did we ever survive this long without double blind A/B testing? Can someone bring in that saber tooth tiger again just to make sure that was what I heard and not some water buffalo. 

All the best,