what are some of best tonearms you own or experience with.

i have Triplaner universal and is very good.   want a 2nd thothinking of Kuzma 4-point 14 inch.???what others?
Dear @ml89009 : best tonearms? not an easy question with out its cartridges couple.

In the other side could be good first than all to define the characteristics that and " ideal " tonearm must has to at least have a reference against we are comparing to.

I for example we ask to thiose audiophiles that already posted : why the Basis Vector or the Victor 7045 are the best could be interesting their responses about.

 Only an opinion, have fun.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
The references I use are LPs that I recorded. I have the master tapes and know what they sound like. I've used a number of arms at home and at shows; the one that consistently gets everything right is the Triplanar.

It has the hardest metal bearings available on any tonearm.

One thing nice about the Triplanar is you have some ability to adjust the effective mass of the arm. This allow you to use a wider range of cartridges. It is the ability of the arm to track the cartridge correctly that is the most important! VTA can be adjusted on-the-fly. Azimuth is adjustable. The arm bearing is in the plane of the LP (provides for more consistent tracking pressure with warp or bass modulation). The arm tube is damped so it does not talk back to the cartridge.

I have found the SME12" to be excellent as well as the Kuzma 4-point.
I just upgraded from an Origin Live Silver to an Origin Live Enterprise. Same cartridge. Same tonearm cables. The difference is staggering. I’d love to have a tonearm or cartridge designer explain the technical reasons for the easily-audible improvements (other than it allows the cartridge to better track the groove). 
Only one best: SME V... 
after some others not so best, really. 

If you can live with non-detachable head-shell(s) ?!? 🤔

Michélle 🇿🇦 
I'm using the Swiss Holborne tonearm , 10 inch dualpivot , price € 2990 in
Europe . My turntable is the Dutch DDSphinx PJ 6 .Cartridge Dynavector
Te Kaitora Rua . Marriage in heaven.