What are the best CD-changers?

Are changers/multi-disc players of such poor sound quality that they are not worth it? Or are there some decent ones?
California Audio Labs makes a CD changer (or at least used to) that is well regarded-- don't remember the model number. MSRP is in the $1500. range.

The other possibility is to use a CD changer with digital out (preferrably coax) to an outboard DAC, as some changers make decent transports, but have "compromised" DACs.

I used a Sony CA9ES with Toslink out to a Muse M2 DAC very successfully, and my daughter uses a Denon 560 changer with coax to an Adcom 600 DAC. That combo sounds good. Good Hunting. Craig.
I strongly agree with Craig...the best changers, are those that use a good changer transport feed into a great DAC..
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Adcom GCD-700. With dual Burr-Brown 20-bit DACs these changers sound great on their own. The build quality and heft aren't quite on par with the CAL changer but they sound great and they're very decent especially when you consider the price. If you need better, you can always add and external DAC but I use mine stand-alone. It out performs the CAL Icon MKII single-disk player that I once owned.
For another option, you might want to check some of the other threads here concerning CD player modifications.

A number of people have reported success with modified mass-market changers. I have not myself listened to these, though I may in fact buy one soon. There are several people who reportedly do a very good job with these modifications.

-- Eric