What are the current useless terms in this "audio world"

Throughout the history of marketing of all kinds of consumer goods there have been many useless, hyperbole phrases and words used.  It seems on ebay, here, craigslist and others a current pet of Sellers is taking something to "the next level"....  which sounds like a great marketing term for an elevator maker.   

@millercarbon -- I've auditioned every car I ever bought. They call it a test drive. It's always nice to know if the seat is comfortable, you can see out of it, and if the controls...as they used to say...fall readily to hand.
You didn't really "audition" your car. Audition comes from audio - to hear. Maybe it wasn't the seat you were interested in but the V8 rumble.
+1 ‘gobsmacked’.  Nothing wrong with it just overused these days.  
I don’t see anything wrong with ‘reference’ if used appropriately.  That is, if the person is saying it is their reference.  Just like someone might use Budweiser as a reference for how all other beer tastes.  Then they can say another beer has more alcohol, or subjectively tastes dryer, etc.  Even if the reviewer suggests the gear is ‘reference’ potential for some owner, I.e. something to judge other components by, it’s still ok.  But yes, used as hyperbole only, it does fit with others like ‘the best’.  In other words, bastardized to imply it should be everyone’s reference as better than everything else available.  A true reference could be a piece of crap, but it’s a starting place to gauge other things against.