Magnepan LRS
ZU Omen Mk2
Emotiva Airmotiv T2
ZU Omen Mk2
Emotiva Airmotiv T2
What are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna buy next regardless of price?
@tweak1 I am shocked none have mentioned Scaena Acoustics which combine elegant art with wonderful music playback I wouldn't be so shocked. It's not like that is a popular brand. I didn't even know which brand that was until I googled it, then thought "oh yeah, I've seen those things here and there." I don't know what they sound like, I believe I've heard good things about them, but I have to part ways on the aesthetics. Looks gaudy and, yeesh, that "woofers in prison" look is cringe-worthy IMO. |
Can you tell me more about the YG Exquisite Extreme Grand limited speaker product? I found out quite interesting about its sound quality. Currently I own a karaoke sound system of Starsound speaker brands including main starsound and micro starsound. I bought that product here: Bảng giá dàn âm thanh hội trường MỚI NHẤT 2019, từ 30 - 100 triệu |