What are we going to do about Tele 12AU7 prices

so the prices are ridiculous,,none of us can afford these prices..so what AU's are we going to substitue foe Teles.
And dont say RCA;'s, I  dont like   RCA's and  Philips Miniwatts were ok, nothing great. 
I need something close to Tele. but at 1/5th the price.

In the 12AX7 world, Tesla E83CC are nearly indistinguishable from my Telefunken 12AX7.  Detailed, quiet at hell, flat response, just utterly step out of the way.  This is in the primary position of my Zestos phono amp.  Teslas are a relative bargain.   I paid maybe $60 for the NOS pair. 
Tesla used same tooling as Teles so there comes the resemblance.
Tesla E83CC is a great tube anyway.
But pricing of ECC802S, ECC82 has gone up.
I agree with  ghasley1. Telefunken is not known for their great 12AU7 tubes at all. They are nothing special to my ears. Telefunken did make some amazing sounding 6922's and 12AX7's however.  Look for a nice pair of Amperex long plate 12AU7's for starters.
Other ECC82’s I’ve disliked for pretty much the same reason(s) I disliked Telefunken smooth/ribbed plate EC82’s in my preamp are...

- early Silver plate EI’s
- 60’s/70’s Tungsram (various)

Hope this helps.

I like the new  Mullard 12AU7  great prices full sound.   But every amp and preamp brand is different.  I would ask who is using what tubes in your same equipment for a piece of better information on performance.