What are you favorite artists and songs to listen to on your system?

So, I just read a post about listening to Rap on a hi end system and it got me thinking about what other people listen to on their hi quality setups.  I listen to a very broad range of music so I am curious to learn of some of your favorite artists/songs no matter what the genre.  The purpose for me is to learn of new music, no matter what the genre.  Please include a few brief details if it adds to the comment.  I will start with some of the music I am listening to this week.  Lastly, I am 46 and grew up in Denver, CO for any additional context to my tastes.

  • Alicia Keys, If I ain't got you
  • Drake, Hold On, We're going home
  • Lang Lang, The Season, Op. 37a/X. October
  • Disclosure, Magnets
  • Cecile McLorin Savant, John Henry
  • Joanne Shaw Taylor, Bones
  • Itzhak Perlman, Tchaikovsky: violen concerto in D Major - numerous tracks
  • Tears for Fears, Woman in Chains
  • Nils Lofgren Band, Bass & Drum Intro
  • Daft Punk, Instant Crush
  • Christy Moore, Shine on You Crazy Diamond
  • NIN, Hurt - Trent Reznor has always placed high standards on his productions.  You may not like some of his lyrics or sounds but he is very creative.  He has won a Grammy and an Oscar more recently for movie scores. One of the original "industrial music" creators.
  • NIN, Into the Void - any "noise" you hear is intentional 
  • John Cash, Hurt - remake of NIN song
  • NIN, The "Perfect Drug" Single - will push your system's bass capability


I've got Joseph Barden pups in my tele - Can you guess why?
Red Neck Jazz, baby!
Very cool Marty! One of the best times I ever had was recording with Danny's early partner Evan Johns for a week (on his Moontan album). A Telecaster player himself, he told me Danny was the best musician he ever worked with.
I've posted my favorite Danny Gatton story here before, but for your benefit:

Many years ago, Danny was playing at Fat Tuesday, an old NYC night club.  I went with a friend.  It's a small place and not many people showed up, so Danny chatted with folks in the audience throughout the show.  At one point, as he was strapping on his double neck, he started to tune the guitar while staring at the ceiling.  My friend asked him what he was looking at.

Danny replied that he was tuning the instrument against the 60hz hum from the light transformers in the ceiling.  Just a different kind of guy.
So to throw a curveball at you guys a band that many music-philes and critics turn their noses up at Phish. These guys are playing the best music of their careers right now, I'm talking live shows, and the recording quality of their shows has become really topnotch. Every show they play is available for download on livephish.com and I especially recommend their Halloween show from 2 years ago, 10/31/14, a monumental show that garnered critical acclaim from even the mainstream media. And yes I admit I am a die-hard fan 71 shows and counting but I genuinely feel I can pretty objectively understand what's good music and good sound.
Great story Marty! What a loss. Wish I could have seen him live; I don't think he ever came West.