What are you 'TRULY' Looking for in Loudspeaker...

and system? Have you really studied the options and do you really understand what they can possibly give you in return? I am being very, very honest. I am not at all looking for pedantic, argumentive jabber. Looking past slight compromises you are willing to give up in this journey, what do you really want in a loudspeaker??? Complicated if you are a novice. I would like to hear from some experienced audiophiles. Thank you, Dale.

Showing 1 response by zuio

Natural tone
100% coherence from highs to lows -> solid timing-> musicality
Weight AND speed -> lifelike timbre, presence, immediacy
Pinpoint imaging -> instrument separation

Planars lack in imaging, single driver speakers lack in body/weight and tone on both extremes, 2 way dynamic speakers either in the bass weight and / or midrange transients. Most speakers have problems with coherence in mass and speed, especially ín the bass region.

Only the 2 way transmissionline speakers (good coherent bass speed but without weight) or 3 way speakers with small woofersize around 5" (-> speed, accurate timing, midrange driver got to have the same size) worked for me so far.