What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?

I am interested in knowing which 3 turntable companies you like and why? Not interested in the Direct Drive vs Belt drive argument, just what is your experience with the company product and... support too. Something like this as an example-

Garrard- very solid and classic design that sounds great and built like a tank.

Well Tempered- Very good design and even better tonearm performance. Best model is  ________

Technics- Very solid design and easy to adjust. Great idea with removeable headshell

Your thoughts and experience welcome

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British turntables must have been the dominant force in early turntable design. Ever notice that almost ALL turntables are operated from the right -- right hand driven? If USA made tables were "the thing" back in the day, we’d be operating them from the left.

You’re welcome.

No particular order…Technics, Well Tempered, Oracle. I pick Oracle for their aesthetic beauty and their perfection of the sprung subchassis concept.  Well Tempered for innovative thinking and practical application, and Technics for a lifetime achievement award.

Rega: no BS bare bones engineering & design. The extreme form follows function approach. I own a Naia.

VPI: If you like the heavy approach. My previous one.

Technics if you like the DJ approach.


I have had Two Well-Tempered Tables,, the original and now the WTT Amadeus G.T.A. and they were/are both exceptional tables, if not conventional.  Once they are set up correctly, they give forth such silence, speed stability, and musicality. Would highly recommend!