What brand was better than it is today?

What are the brands of speakers or components that were once significantly better than they are today? Polk, Boston Acoustics, Bose?  Keep them coming and explain why!!!
Uh oh, I'm gonna piss offf some vintage audio collectors. I used to sell the classic silver faced Marantz equipment in the mid to late 70's. I liked that they were relatively compact and very well built. I didn't like what I thought was their muddy sound with a slight mid-bass bump to sound "warm". I was auditioning some speakers, a few years ago, and heard them through a modern Marantz integrated in the then $500 price range. I thought it sounded much more un-colored than their "classic" 1970's offerings. Of course the build and finish was many degrees inferior to the 70's products. I know that Marantz "reference" level products, built in Japan, are of much higher build quality. 
"I did think of the inverse question-what brands are better today than before?  "  Should Woulda Coulda

I will keep this to the first component (speakers) mentioned and 
ones owned and still have .

Mission and Celestion Speakers. Still made and no longer relevant from what I see out there. 

I believe  Sonus Faber and Klipsch Speakers are still great companies but have been producing less than stellar products for the mass merchandiser .  The ones I have are old ( 20 and 38YO )  and I still enjoy them immensely. Still good companies. 

KLH, the 9's were pretty nice. Those were the first fancy speakers I ever heard. What do they make today?
IMHO, the obvious choice, hands down with no competitors in sight, and as someone else already mentioned, is Altec Lansing.

With the caveat that today’s company is a completely different entity: if I am correct, today’s company bought the trademark and that is the only thing linking the two.