What can the average enthusiest do to get A+ HT?

I've read enogh posts over the years, and seen, heard, read about, installed, designed, sold, built, and experienced enough home theaters(including bassic surround systems, dedicated theaters, etc) to want to put the question out to the masses/fellow enthusiests out there. I'm currious to hear some of the more informed/experienced HT junkie's(like myself) input on to what they think they can pass on the the rest of the AV world at large would be, to help everyone truely maximize the Ht experience at home!
I've come to the conclussion from my years of experience around this stuff, that most(better than 99%) don't have a clue as to what they're dealing with, when aspiring to get even remotely approaching world class HT from their set up! Especially people experiencing this for the first, even going at it the second/third times!!!
Is it the gear? Is it the set up?..the acoustics?..the tweeks?...the calibration?...what? And if it's any and all of these things put together, can someone help spell it all out/break it all down in a realateively straight foreward manner, considering the variables people are likely dealing with/encountering (perhaps including budget/space), what options they should thus be considering, and specifics that need to be attacked/approached!?
I'm just currious if people who are serious about getting the best HT possible with-in their means/budgets(even at the ultra expensive and ambitious end) truelly want to know what it takes, and what they can do to get something truely special in their life time in respect to AV!..and that's assuming they want to mostly "go it alone", as opposed to hiring professinoals to do the job. We're talking about "home projects" and set up's here!...just to be clear.
Thanks for any input, commments, info, perspectives, etc.
The easiest way to achieve the finest sounding HT setup is to take the finest sounding 2-channel system and add a top-notch dvd-player. (and of course a large screen tv).

And perhaps consider adding a top-notch sub-woofer for the 16Hz to 24Hz range.

It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that spending say, $10k on a 2-channel system can easily reign superior sonics over spending the same $10k on a 5-plus channel 'HT' system.

Slappy- the idea of all monitors being the same is a great one! The best HT system I ever put together was 5 Totem Mani-2's (each with dual-isobarik internal woofers down to 28hz) powered by a a Theta Dreadnaught and Sim Audio Attraction processor- didn't even need a sub!
You have heard the technical stuff above. Synergy is the key to an awesome sounding setup. Everything needs to work together to acheive the ultimate sound. And most gear has a sonic style so they must all complement each other to produce the style of sound that you like. I prefer detailed but very smooth high end. So for example I choose High powered tube amplifiers. I also look for value in HT components I would buy the top of the Line Sony DVD for a lot less that the Higher end brands. I would spend more on Fine speakers and subs .
I agree with Stehno, especially as multichannel comes of age. The past three decades of experimentation have proven one unaltering conclusion to me as i have tried every conceivable speaker , processor and amp configuration : Just like an algebraic equation , you start with a small idea and build with a focus and end result in mind . Though I feel ultimately that the integration of the theatre { Visual presentation} can somewhat alter an end result , the basic tenent is best acomplished by following strict 2 channel pincipals and building the system around that. The next phase is considering a center. If it is not able to breathe and image then go phantom. Next is surrounds. Do you go 2 or 4. Oh , how about 5 now.... Ex you know. .... Wait , there is the height channel you can try.... now you have 7 in the rear. What ... a sub????? 8. I have been there and done it all . I have returned to the nest so to speak with just 2 lowly surrounds that took forever to dial in and submerge me in acoustical reality that satifies both theatre applications as well as provide a seamless , cohesive soundfield for multichannel. As I learned more about purist 2 channel audio in the other systems in my home the more I applied that knowlege to the theatre and the results were not open to debate. Less became more but it was a better , more focused less . The bottom line is that you can save lots of money with a plan .
IMHO, forget it. My current thinking is that I won't tackle that project until I can have a more money than the "average enthusiast" has or is willing to spend and can build a custom room from the ground up. The logistical problems and costs for A+ HT are overwhelming.