What can you tell me about Focus Audio?

I'm in the process of auditioning speakers. Looking for a small to midsize floor stander for my 12'x18' room. A dealer has turned me on to Focus Audio. I plan on listening to a pair from their Prestige series this weekend (FP80Se), but I have found little about them on the web.

Anyone have any experience with these speakers? As background, I listen to about 75% rock and 25% jazz.

Showing 1 response by vinw

I had a brief experience with a set of Focus Audio speakers 4 years ago when I was auditioning a Croft twinstar 3 amplifier. The Croft stack was hooked up to the FA fs8 floorstander, IIRC. The drum solo piece I used in one of my test tracks: "For Roy (Haynes)" by Jay Boehmer, was jaw dropping. The speed, dynamic and transient response was simply amazing. It is one of the most memorable sound I've experienced. Great speakers .... congrats!