What cartridge works for you ???

Trying to get into vinyl and I'm almost there. Aquired a Rega P-25 and an EAR phono pre to go with my Adcom GFP-750. I was wondering what works for fellow enthusiasts? I have a budget in the range of 500/700. Looking for the best possible match but don't have a lot of knowledge. I figure the best way is to get sound professional opinions from those whom have on hand knowledge. Suggestions please....
I am sure that best cartridge for your money is the Rega Elys in a moving magnet, Or spend a little more 850.00 and get a Benz Glider MC determine the output requirment to match the EAR
The Glider is much more open and revealing than the Rega's
also keep and eye on the AUdioGon for a used Lyra Lydian
I went from the glider to the lydian on my P25 and WOW
what a detailed revealing acurate sound
The EAR is a tube preamp. Tubes are noisier than transistors...I would look for something that has a higher output. Don't let prices decive you!
I agree with Psychicanimal. I use a Dynavector 17-D which is in your price range, and a beautiful sounding cart. on my P-25.

However, due to the low out-put (0.23mv) I have had trouble finding the right phono section. Most do not have enough gain to present the signal without background noise. I have gone from a Rega Fono (ss), to a Coph Nia (ss), to a Herron (tube) phono-pre, without being able to get away from a hum (tube) or a hiss (ss) in the background.

Today my Ear MC3 step-up arrived, and I hope I am done for awhile.

All in all, I would recommend a MC at/or above 0.5mv out-put. That opens up many more options for your phono-pre.

By the way, I can make you a deal on either the Rega or the Coph Nia, after you decide on the cart.

Good listening, Dave.
The Shelter 501 would be an excellent choice for sound quality. It retails at $800, but you may be able to find a dealer to discount it a little for you.

I think a tube phono unit is an excellent choice, particularly at the front end, because they are softer on the overload margins, and this results in better performance during clicks and pops. Also, it keeps the grain out, at least until it reaches the your SS preamp.