What cartridge works for you ???

Trying to get into vinyl and I'm almost there. Aquired a Rega P-25 and an EAR phono pre to go with my Adcom GFP-750. I was wondering what works for fellow enthusiasts? I have a budget in the range of 500/700. Looking for the best possible match but don't have a lot of knowledge. I figure the best way is to get sound professional opinions from those whom have on hand knowledge. Suggestions please....
I am sure that best cartridge for your money is the Rega Elys in a moving magnet, Or spend a little more 850.00 and get a Benz Glider MC determine the output requirment to match the EAR
The Glider is much more open and revealing than the Rega's
also keep and eye on the AUdioGon for a used Lyra Lydian
I went from the glider to the lydian on my P25 and WOW
what a detailed revealing acurate sound
The EAR is a tube preamp. Tubes are noisier than transistors...I would look for something that has a higher output. Don't let prices decive you!
I agree with Psychicanimal. I use a Dynavector 17-D which is in your price range, and a beautiful sounding cart. on my P-25.

However, due to the low out-put (0.23mv) I have had trouble finding the right phono section. Most do not have enough gain to present the signal without background noise. I have gone from a Rega Fono (ss), to a Coph Nia (ss), to a Herron (tube) phono-pre, without being able to get away from a hum (tube) or a hiss (ss) in the background.

Today my Ear MC3 step-up arrived, and I hope I am done for awhile.

All in all, I would recommend a MC at/or above 0.5mv out-put. That opens up many more options for your phono-pre.

By the way, I can make you a deal on either the Rega or the Coph Nia, after you decide on the cart.

Good listening, Dave.