What component to hang on to?

Hello all,

So - the search for a new truck and house infrastructure needs make me consider selling off my main listening system. Having said that, I remain a consummate audiophile who knows I’ll eventually rebuild my system. However, I;’m thinking I should hold onto ONE element in the chain to serve as a building block for my future system. Any advice on what component to hold on to would be appreciated. Or sell all of them?


Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers (sold)

Hegel 160 integrated

Oppo 105 BDP

VPI HW-19 MK4 turntable with SAMA with Benz Micro Ace SH cartridge and Sumiko FT-3 tonearm

Jolida JD9 Mk 2 phono with Mullard tubes

AZ Tsunami IC’s

Decware Styx cables
Given I was in a position to have to trade audio dollars for living support dollars, I would either sell all the equipment or keep; 1st the TT as it will retain most of its current value over time and most difficult to replace (provided you are smitten by it), and 2nd the cables. Amplification and speakers can be considered towards best synergy and return on investment when rebuilding new system. Cables can be swapped out as complimentary to new system.
Thanks, all. Based on everyone’s advice, I’m going to hang on to the VPI and start shedding the rest. My wife insists I don’t have to because we might not be in the financial position to ever rebuild it, but I disagree: there’s always financing :)

I do like the VPI’s warm sound. In fact, the AZ’s balanced it out quote nicely and the Hegel kept everything glued together. That Hegel is a gem, btw. There’s a bunch on Audiogon now as the 160 is discontinued and being replaced by a new model.

Btw - how about Oppo not making products anymore? What’s up with that? My 105 might be the last component I sell.

p.s. - cheers to @trelja for the most engaging post here.

pps - @instllouis - I'm in St. Louis, too. Would you be up for a listening session before things start going? I still have the AZ's until June.
@simao thank you very much for the kind words.

It seems you might find yourself in a much better position than you realized?  It's a great thing the VPI makes you happy.  Given the cabling, Oppo, VPI, and Hegel, I think you may want to just pause a bit, and give things a listen with another pair of loudspeakers.  Again, I know some disagree, but the AZ loudspeakers may have thrown everything out of whack, and simply moving to something (as in the vast majority of loudspeakers) that sounds better, you find yourself at the finish line
In today's market you are not going to realize that much from the sale of your components.  If you have already sold the loudspeakers, then replace them with a cheap, say $200, pair.  That said, if money is a real concern, then sell everything.  You got to do what you got to do.