What difference do power cables make?

I’m considering a purchase (about $1000) that will include a power distribution box and a couple of very good cables to service my power amp and subwoofer..

For those who have upgraded power cables, how you would describe the sound quality difference in your system?

Do you feel that it was worth the additional investment?


+2  @steakster / @facten    Some will always believe almost everything in Hi End Audio is "snake oil" a 40 year old Adcom amp with some repaired Goodwill 12 inch 3 ways is near SOTA!  IMO fear is holding most of them back which will forever keep them in mid fi purgatory.

OP, I'm a relative novice here, so here's what I am sure about:


I have put in dedicated lines. This, I am certain, is the most important thing to do.
I have hospital grade outlets.
I have a decent Adept power conditioner, power strip, and a shunyata defender. All purchased used. This was the Almarg setup and he knew what he was doing.
I purchased cords from Pangea, used, which are appropriate gauges for my gear. 9 gauge for power amps and 14 gauge for front end. They were not expensive, relatively.

Do I hear a difference? I am not sure, but I know that I have at least done the minimum for my system in terms of the wire thickness and shielding.

Down the road, I may try:

(a) a regenerator
(b) more expensive power cords

but until I know that everything else worth spending money on -- room treatments! -- is done, I will not return to the power cord issue.

Why don't you get a few power cords from the cable company's lending library, it's a cheap way to try a few expensive cords and some lower cost ones and find out for yourself if there is a difference.