What do/did you do for a living?

With the increasingly high priced items people own and are selling, I'm curious about the line of work people do or have done. I thought my $5k integrated was a massive investment, but seeing users searching for $100k speakers or $75k SET amplifiers has me curious about the varying lines of work people do to afford these items. 
50 yo hospital based physician which is growing very tiresome in the current environment. Be safe.
I’m a letter carrier. I’ve been doing this for 25+ years. Hopefully the USPS will be around for another 3 1/2 years so I can make it to retirement. I also hope my body can make it another 3 1/2 years. Winters are getting tougher on these bones!
I have had alot of different jobs in my life .I'm now a private chauffeur  with my own customers but this coronavirus has crushed me.Alway been a stereo equipment buyer ,albums ,cds,tapes.I have plenty of time on my hands now I'm 68.
retired high school teacher. love high end music, but my limited budget has taken me over the yrs. to 5k amp+ 1.5k preamp+ 300 cd+ 2.8K speakers+ 4k tt . so im close to 15k investment. I still considered modest by high end standards.