What do folks use to clean cables/connections?

I have used flitz metal cleaner and Craig Pro gold treatment, but have heard about Flitz for a while. Thanks for the input.
I'm not sure if this is the best advice, but I do it and it seems to have worked well for me over the years: I go to my local hobby store (model trains) and buy a bottle of "Rail Zip". You apply it with a cotton swab, then wipe it off 24 hrs later with a rag or cotton swab moistened in water (I use distilled). Cost is about $5.oo a bottle which will last for years, I clean my cables about every 6 months or so. Happy listening.
I like Kontak. It's pricey...like $40 a bottle...but I can hear a difference.

Good luck.
I use the Caig de-oxit cleaner and contact fluid I bought from Music Direct.
I like the Caig De-Oxit for step one. Step two can be the silver goop, or Caig Gold or even the Cardas connector juice. Lately I've been mixing the Gold and the silver stuff to thin it out and apply it very lightly with a foam (as opposed to cotton swab).

The other thing I do I learned from Pierre at Mapleshade. He sells an anti-static device called the Iconoclast. Though I bought it to use with CDs, I always zap cable ends with it as well.