One possible physical reason for directionality of cables is due to the direction in which the wire is drawn and voids and irregularities that result from the drawing process.
The drawing of the wire affects its sound, I checked it myself, I used jewelry dies. However, from the point of view of the electricity, no changes in the conductivity of the wire occur during drawing:
"Concern over cables is widespread, but it can be said with confidence that there is as yet not a shred of evidence to support it. Any piece of wire passes a sinewave with unmeasurable distortion, and so simple notions of inter-crystal rectification or “micro-diodes” can be discounted, quite apart from the fact that such behaviour is absolutely ruled out by established materials science. No plausible means of detecting, let alone measuring, cable degradation has ever been proposed."
"The most positive proof that Subjectivism is fallacious is given by subtraction testing. This is the devastatingly simple technique of subtracting before-and-after amplifier signals and demonstrating that nothing audibly detectable remains."
Douglas Self, Science and Subjectivism in Audio