How about we move the discussion into the 20th century.Thanks for the link.....
i already own the masterbook of acoustic tough.... But this is shorter read...
«Pitch is a subjective term. It is chiefly a function of frequency, but it is not linearly related to it.
Because pitch is somewhat different from frequency, it requires another subjective unit, the mel.
Frequency is a physical term measured in hertz. Although a soft 1-kHz signal is still 1 kHz if you
increase its level, the pitch of a sound may depend on sound-pressure level. A reference pitch of
1,000 mels is defined as the pitch of a 1-kHz tone with a sound-pressure level of 60 dB.»
Master handbook of acoustic p.85
Nothing i read made Essien nor Ansermet ridiculous by the way....Nor obsolete at all like you affirm....
But it is only the begininng of my reading.....
By the way my mechanical equalizer distribution and location of tubes and tunable pipes use the loudness level of each of my speaker in a different way to make my 2 ears able to recreate a 3-d holographic soundstage by working with better timing between reflecting and direct waves.... I get the idea arguing with you.... Then who knows ! you will give me an another one.... anyway thanks....