What do you consider the most when choosing a pair of speakers?

Hi, just being curious here. 

When choosing a pair of speakers, do you consider design first? or the sound? or a particular brand? 

I want to say the sound matters the most for me, but my wife would never allow anything industrial looks or a design that goes against her taste regardless of the sound quality. 

What are your thought?


@poke33 Absolutely!! The space matters! I struggled with exhibition room at AXPONA last April. I think we did pretty well given it was our first time showing our products to US listeners. A lot to consider. As a good Youtuber just told me today, we need to be more scientific and clever understanding your own space for audio. 

@inna 6,656 posts??? Gee~ @twoleftears you two must know each other. You two are the ones that contributing the Audiogon's success. Yes, the sense of reality is important in this hobby and passion. Don't let the wild dream consume you. I am with you. 

What do you consider the most when choosing a pair of speakers?


Exit strategy. How the heck can I make these things go away…..?

@henry53 …”Does my foot tap, if not, don’t buy them.”

Please let me know... if your foot taps... at about 2pm this afternoon.

I’m auditioning a pair of Quad ESL 57’s!


Which... by the way... is the best way to select a pair of speakers - how close do they sound to the Quad ESL 57's - the ultimate in sound reproduction, since 1957!

By the way... many of the Harbeth speakers meet this test - when driven with the right electronics!   

Glad to help out. I think it is both. If it sounds bad, then it is a non-starter. However, at some point many speakers sound good. Yes there are some differences - may be one is a bit better in the bass, while another images better, another is a bit clearer or maybe a bit warm . . . but for the average high end buyer, they all sound good and most would be happy with 2 or 3 of the speakers they audition. This is where style or looks come into play for the average buyer and will tip the scales. Of course, there are always people that only care about function (sound) or other that place looks/style above all else.  I go for sound first, then then style.  Wife places higher emphasis on style.