What do you hear?

A great example of expectation bias. You hear what you have been primed to hear. As for me, I hear 'lobsters in politics'. 



Interesting very well known illusion....Thanks to the Op for this stunning example of  it....

Biases are conditioned and put on/in us but we can train ourself to look at the two faces of a drawing or the two alternative meanings of a sound in a short sequences...We then emerge in a larger context at another scale when we train our perception to see two images or hear the two sounds sequences alternatively in the same window......

Then instead of being the passive victim of an illusion we become active participant in the building of our world and of the objective world too...

Instead of being victim we exercise our conscious free choices through self- creative and active imagination ...

It is called learning...

And beware, be conscious of what you "imagine" because it will become real...And not only for you...

It is why in jail or in crowd they all perceive the same thing that they first imagined..Anyway it is in hell as it is in heaven... Perception may ask for a purification...

Stay free...Use your sense without being put in jail or in a crowd by them...

Looking is not seeing, and hearing is not listening; we must learn to see sound too and we must learn how to listen colors and forms...


Sound memory only lasts a second. This makes listening comparisons problematic.. The louder component always sounds better. An old trick used by salesmen selling speakers.

@jasonbourne71 There's so much information around salesman tricks especially in the audiophile industry, but this community choses to prime themselves with beliefs instead of priming themselves with knowledge 

Sound memory last longer in the unconscious body than in the conscious brain ask deep alzheimer old patient... Then you must learn how to tap in your body emotional memory and you must learn to listen to it ... You do it knowing that an image or a sound is NOT A CONSCIOUS PERCEPTION first but appear as such because it is a sensed unconscious INTERPRETATION and you must learn to turn it around changing the perspective and uncovering the concept behind it ..

We learn to listen as we had learn to hear...With concepts and perspective creation...

The only illusions are those we choose to live with... Ask Buddha or Christ...Or ask an acoustician...

Acoustics and psycho-acoustics are a powerful effective knowledge no less than gear measured specs or electronics ...

By the way the louder component is the better only in a short listening and unfamiliar listening conditions... You cannot deceive an attentive musician with this trick...

Placebo are also very really active part of hearing trained biases  as they are  for a competent doctor a powerful  useful tool... Only big pharma use them as a negative to eliminate for their own interested agenda which is selling ... Placebo are so powerful they act in the same way as drug and as effectively in many case and we can TRACE the chemical reaction of the placebo as of the real drug in and on  the metabolic system ...

i listen music in a chosen beautiful location why ?

Because it increase the real effect of the  placebo effect overall...

Sound is always better at night and it is not only related to the electrical noise floor but also to the link between silence and darkness...Metaphor act as placebo in language...If you say the "forest of the jaws" as in old norse language  it is more powerful than the prosaic word "beard" it act even on the perception of a face and the interpretation of an image ...