What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?

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I have an opportunity to by a linkwitz Orion speaker Right now. The problem is it needs 3 amps to run it. The sound is amazing. The bass astonishing. It’s the 3 amps I’m not nuts about. Supposedly, the amps don’t even need to be that great. My energy bill is already high. 
I've made copies of the Bose Cannon for movie theaters.  Used Sono tubes in 8, 10 and 12 inch diameter.  At about 14 foot long, rather hard to hide.  Thought about using the attic space above the living room ceiling, just never did that.  still have a 10 inch model in the attic.  Open at both ends, no build up of air pressure.  Back then, when testing it, was watching a movie and a fog horn went off, very loud and realistic sound.  Nelson tried a pair of 15 inch diameter Sono tubes in Grass Valley.   Quite eleaborate with a thick marble base and the 15 firing up into what appeared to be a 10 foot tall tube.  There are many roads to subwoofer nirvana.  Currently using a swarm of 10s and a 12 for bass.
@mickeyb You don’t need 3 amps. What amp were you listening to with the Orion’s you heard? What you do need is at least 3 channels per side for a total of 6 minimum. You could use the amp that Linkwitz recommends on his website which is the ATI AT6012 which has 12 60 watt channels. Use a couple of extra channels in bridge mode for the woofers if you wish. I bought Orion’s, built the Lxmini, Lx subs, and the Lx 521.4. I love them all. I use a mix of analog and minidsp boxes for eq/xover. Buy or build any one if you like fussing around with gear. They are not plug and play but for my ears the time invested to get them set up right has been well-rewarded.
@mickeyb, I was going to suggest those inexpensive Crown amps — you could buy 3 of those and not have too much money in it.  The 12 amps alymere mentioned would be interesting too.  Maybe one of you guys with plenty of room and some loose change could put this together and video the result.  That would be a hoot.  Too bad Dr. Linkwitz isn’t still around to serve as technical consultant. 

@soix, too funny!  It does look like a periscope, doesn’t it?   Add a lens and play the theme song through it for “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”.  ☺️