What does Hi-Fi Even Mean anymore?

Hey.  I just like switching on the steereo, sitting in my easy chair, and listening to a few tunes.  In the best audio fidelity I can reasonably muster.
 only those of them who attend a lot of live unamplified music have kept touch with the original aims of hi-fi.

Good golly gosh. So I can't be hi-fi, because I haven't attended a live acoustic music event in years?

Holy elitist, Batman! Where do they get these ideas?

Yes Robin, but the arrogance of some people knows no bounds.

The original goal of hifi was to reproduce live music as best as possible so holy snowflake Batman don’t get your cowl in a tizzy. 🎭 You can have whatever goal you please. It’s a free country. At least when it comes to hifi.  The hifi police are not out to get you. Stating facts is a best practice for all......nothing elite about it. Some may just do it better than others. Time for a chill pill. 💊. That or perhaps lay off the weed a bit it can make one paranoid you know.