What does Hi-Fi Even Mean anymore?

 only those of them who attend a lot of live unamplified music have kept touch with the original aims of hi-fi.

Good golly gosh. So I can't be hi-fi, because I haven't attended a live acoustic music event in years?

Holy elitist, Batman! Where do they get these ideas?

Yes Robin, but the arrogance of some people knows no bounds.

The original goal of hifi was to reproduce live music as best as possible so holy snowflake Batman don’t get your cowl in a tizzy. 🎭 You can have whatever goal you please. It’s a free country. At least when it comes to hifi.  The hifi police are not out to get you. Stating facts is a best practice for all......nothing elite about it. Some may just do it better than others. Time for a chill pill. 💊. That or perhaps lay off the weed a bit it can make one paranoid you know.
"Good luck finding unamplified music.
Even the buskers have battery smpsy."

Piano can do. That is how I know that my system is not Hi-Fi.

i missed your pointing out the article first time around, read it now, like it alot... i think it is terrific the journalist interviewed many important industry participants, and by and large i thought their comments were fair and accurate, reflected a great understanding of both the history of hifi and the current marketplace

reality is that unamplified music performances are fairly rare for most music listeners in this age, save for classical and some jazz, so it makes sense that the industry evolves into various versions of ’vivid portrayal’ of manufactured music that is recorded on multi track then mixed in studio...

i have been a big fan of bbc monitors since the outset, and how they strived to reproduce live musical events that the bbc back then would broadcast or record for viewers/listeners... needless to say, that particular objective makes certain tradeoffs to reproducing midband accuracy and rolling off the extremes to capture the ’hall effects’ of live symphonic music heard 'in hall' - of course this standard of reproduction is now obsolete to many... is this good or bad, i don't know... but it good to hear this sort of music even if rarely... it is useful in establishing a reference for clarity, attack with lack of edge, depth and scale of sound