What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?

In this post let's consider alcohol, nicotine, and coffee drugs, as they are, along with the usual suspects that can get you arrested in most US states and beheaded in Saudi Arabia. I live in Victoria, Canada, which has more marijuana shops than Starbucks, and we have tons of Starbucks. In 10 minutes, I can walk from my house to four dispensaries, which will sell to anyone over 18. OK, enough bragging, For me, a puff, and just one puff (I don't like getting stoned) can be the best tweak ever. A glass of wine is also a fine compliment. Too much alcohol will increase my enjoyment (because I'm drunk) but put Phil Spector in the room (wall of sound and loss of the stuff I value in my system, such as clarity).
"If it were legal here I'd probably take a puff or two to catch that buzz. I used to enjoy it quite a bit. It’s not legal so I don’t."

I was always under the assumption the illegality was part of the fun. "Hi, officer, what seems to be the problem?"

I read somewhere that legalization really affects the over 60 crowd, as they might try an edible for some reason, but otherwise most people either smoke or don't regardless of the legality. In my state (MA) you pay a couple hundred bucks a year once you get a doctor to approve your medicinal pot license (the doctor approval also costs something) so you can use the overpriced and badly managed medicinal pot shops.  Now that adult legalization of pot was approved the state is scrambling to figure out how to implement it…could take a year…nice planning there! I smoke a little before riding my motorcycle and when listening to music as I like the increase in the intensity of the experience and the focus it provides (for me anyway), but really…who cares? Pot is non toxic by definition, and weirdly still objected to by ignorant puritanical boneheads. 
I like to do what I call the Puff-n-Pull, which is puffing on a little weed and then doing a double shot of espresso. I find it gives me heightened senses, while also keeping me relaxed. Music is even more sublime. 

True story... Awhile back I noticed that my system had kinda lost its magic. It sounded perfectly fine, but just wasn't giving me those magic moments. That had gone on for a month. 

One Friday afternoon, I sat down for a listening session and all of a sudden the magic was back. 

Took me a few minutes to put two and two together, but it eventually occurred to me that my period of lost magic conveniently overlapped with the month that I had decided not to smoke. The day the magic came back was the same day I picked up a new prescription. 

I'd say that makes weed one of the more cost-effective audiophile tweaks out there. :)
While I have found that herb (vaporized) can be a nice enhancement while listening, I feel that natural endorphins are the best. Case in point, last night I was at a jazz club in the west Village here in NYC with a new Tinder date, a lovely Japanese woman, 18 years my junior. Her sitting next to me, my arm around her while she fondled my knee made the music and the experience quite enhanced. It was a simple but enjoyable moment, one I hope to repeat many times.