What equipment do you most regret parting with??

Any audio equipment from speakers to phono stages...what do you wish you never gave up?
My Audio Research SP-6A with 6 Telefunken ECC83 in it. I gave it to my brother in 95 and he donated it to charity.
Talon Raven C speakers- was too impatient with their performance and was unwilling to work with them to optimize their performance-should have gotten rid of my McIntosh 6900 instead and found electronics to make the Ravens sing- never got to hear what they were capable of before I sold them.
Although we all have sold stuff we once owned and maybe still would like to have, we all got rid of it for a reason: something better came along. I bought Yamaha NS-690 speakers and loved them for a while, but then I heard the Rogers Studio 1s....which I kept for 20 years! I then found a nice set of Yamaha MS-1000M's, which are even older than the Rogers, so bye-bye Rogers. Do I regret getting rid of them? A little, but not enough to get me interested in getting them back.
The radio in my 78' FJ-40 Landcruiser...well, actually I regret selling the whole truck! Hmmm, audio gear? I have had attachments to various pieces of gear, but no "regrets". Some good memories of fine gear from the past though: Wright Mono 10 amps, Mesa Baron amp, Silverline SR17 speakers (I've had three different pairs just because I missed the previous one I'd sold), Klipsch LaScalas (sold one pair, still have a pair that is in storage...temporarily). You move on, not necessarily always upward, but hopefully ever evolving and always involving you with the music we all love.

...I do not want what I have not got.
