What exactly do ya do about a 15 foot run ?

Greetings.....Would love to know what happens if you have 15 feet from your pre/amp, phono and cd componets, to the nearest wall outlet ?
Would you run a 'heavy duty' extension cord from the wall to an outlet strip, and then connect your source components? And......if you do do that, does it then make any sence to use a fancy (read: expensive) power cord from the source to the outlet strip ? OR.......will using an 'Ace Hardware' store extension cord denigrade the sound (bat500/vk40pre). All suggestions greatly. appreciated.......
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Showing 1 response by elgordo

Mike Vans Evers will make you one of his power cords in any length you need. Cost is quite reasonable. Check out his web page for his phone number. Buy one of his conditioners while you're at it. You will be VERY happy. Don