What Happened to Neil Young's New Release ???

Ok , I thought I read that the Live with War was supposed to be released today.
What Happened?
Did the Goverment hide all the recordings with the WMD???
Or did old Neil sell out to the Man??
Jeff Jones,
I'm sure you'd have to ask Neil the answer to those questions. I do know that he's lived in California for decades. With his wife, he founded the Bridge School (in the Bay Area) for children with severe physical and learning disabilities, as they have two such children. While he's a Canadian, he's planted his roots in the US. Contrarily, no one deemed it inappopriate for him to pen the song "Let's Roll" in honor of the passengers who took down the would-be hijackers on Flight 93. I'm also not sure why being a millionaire would inherently diminish the weight of his opinion. These are just my thoughts, so again, you'd have to ask Neil for the real answers.
Boa2 - "I'm also not sure why being a millionaire would inherently diminish the weight of his opinion." No disagreement here, was rambling about the courage thing, no financial risk. The average working person who could offend his boss or customer by speaking openly has more to think about.
Classic Records (Reprise)
Format: 200 Gram Vinyl
Coming May 30, 2006
To a store near you.

I don't think anyone will have to stay up late at night worrying about Ol' Neil Young selling out and if it takes a Canadian (born) American resident to have a word or two of dissent toward todays current politically driven quagmire, than so be it. I have always enjoyed his music regardless of whether it was his "best". Remember the words of another renegade of the times, Thomas Jefferson who said "Dissent is the truest form of patriotism."
Keep on rockin' in the free world!

Happy Listening!
Just viewed the Best Buy ads for new music this week. Still no mention of Neil's latest.