R_burke - Thanks for the link! Others can hear what they hear and filter through the mandatory niceties and reviwerspeak (or not)as they deem appropriate.
An honest question that comes to mind, is how could anybody charecterize a multimillionaire complaining about somebody else's country as 'gutsy'? If he was risking offense to anyone in his own country maybe that would be a little bit gutsy, or if he was offering legitimate improvement suggestions for criticism that seems like it would qualify. But if courage equates to just complaining then I've never met a coward. No offense to anyone, just opinion.
An honest question that comes to mind, is how could anybody charecterize a multimillionaire complaining about somebody else's country as 'gutsy'? If he was risking offense to anyone in his own country maybe that would be a little bit gutsy, or if he was offering legitimate improvement suggestions for criticism that seems like it would qualify. But if courage equates to just complaining then I've never met a coward. No offense to anyone, just opinion.