What has been your most satisfying component?

I don't think I have seen this question asked so here it goes. Many of us tend to buy and sell looking for the ideal, the holy grail, what works best in the current system, or whatever.
What component (or components)have stood the test of time in your system? I've been through quite a few but some have stayed despite having bought their replacements and subsequently selling them. I'll share once we get a few posts to get things going.
Son of a gun, I reread my post written Jan 07, I'm still using the pieces listed. That is amazing.
My secondary rig is three components I hope will last forever...so far so good. Pure analog bliss from the '70's. I'm hoping to pass it on to my son someday(he's 5 years old now).
Marantz 2238B receiver
Marantz 6300 turntable
a/d/s L620 speakers
Nutella, 19 months later, isn't it time to share?
Tvad (Threads | Answers)

What about you Tvad? :)
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I stepped into High End HiFi in the late 80's with some nice speakers that led to a used ARC preamp. By the early 90's I worked myself up to spend big $$$ on a Sota TT with an SME arm. I got the TT home and was shaking wondering what had possesed me to spend that much money on a record player. But once I set it up and played my first album I was estatic! All doubts vanished the moment that first record started playing. The clarity, detail and musical sound kept me listening for hours. 16 years later I am still enjoying my TT while everything else around it has changed twice.