What integrated can replace over -bright exposure 3010?

Just got an Exposure 3010S2.,paired with my Spendor A6s.Its supposed to be a great combo. Its a lovely amp , fast( really fast) dynamic, good resolution, provides insight into the performance, BUT it is very forward,  distinctly bright and can get hard when you raise the volume. As a result I can't relax in front of the music.
Any suggestions for a better amp  which offers much the same qualities without the brightness-under $3K new?

rrm - something low tech to try before spending on cable or new electronics...
Have you installed any vibration damping under your source and amp? You might try something as low tech as white gum erasers from an art supply store just to see if they take any edge off the "too bright". It might not work at all but might help a bit. Before the experts jump on this, it’s not necessarily the typical benefit looked for with vibration damping. A more widely expected benefit would be enhanced resolution and sound staging etc., not tonal balance. Still, I think it is worth a shot. You can spend a bunch on vibration damping. Maybe you are already very familiar with this area. If not, Herbie’s Audio Lab (esp., Tenderfeet) and Vibrapod Cones & Isolators are a couple of commercial sources that are low cost and have been found helpful by others.

As far as flat speaker cable goes, I think Mapleshade Audio supplies wire that is "flat" ribbon type.
@rrm  How long had your cables been sitting un-used / un-energized before you swapped them into your system?

Also, are you able to borrow some 'higher end' cables from a buddy or local dealer? Just make sure they've been run for awhile before your tests.
I feel your pain. I tweaked my way out of it to good result by following many of the suggestions above. But, If you really feel the Exposure is not gonna be what you'd hoped for maybe the dealer will take it back in and work out a deal on something else with you. Btw I settled on Supra ply 3.4s speaker cable, it was a giant step in the right direction for a leanness I experienced when I changed amps. It's reasonable but still 23' is a big one. 

Right now I have the same problem
exposure 3010s2d and spendor D7

way too bright. Can't relax.
by the end of the week I should get the chord 2qute DAC and then I'll deal with cables

so far everything is very accurate but not enjoyable.